Priest Lake Veterinary Hospital

2445 Morris Gentry Blvd
Nashville, TN 37013-2073


Sludgy Urine In Bunnies


Sludgy urine in rabbits is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, including diet, dehydration, and underlying medical conditions. It is important to distinguish Sludgy urine from bladder stones, as the treatment for each condition differs significantly.


Symptoms of Sludgy Urine in Rabbits

Rabbits with Sludgy urine may produce urine that is thick, cloudy, and may contain sediment or sludge. Other symptoms may include frequent urination, urination outside the litter box, and straining to urinate. In severe cases, rabbits may become lethargic and develop a loss of appetite.

Causes of Sludgy Urine in Rabbits

Sludgy urine is often caused by an excess of calcium in the rabbit's diet. Alfalfa hay, which is commonly fed to rabbits, is high in calcium and can contribute to this problem. Other causes may include dehydration, infection, and underlying medical conditions such as renal disease or urinary tract infections.

Diagnosis of Sludgy Urine in Rabbits

A Nashville rabbit veterinarian can diagnose Sludgy urine in rabbits by examining the rabbit's urine and performing diagnostic tests such as blood work and imaging studies. Your Antioch, TN veterinarian may also perform a urinalysis to look for signs of infection or inflammation.


Treatment of Sludgy Urine in Rabbits

Treatment for Sludgy urine in rabbits typically involves dietary modifications and hydration. The rabbit's diet may need to be adjusted to reduce the amount of calcium and increase the amount of water consumed. In severe cases, fluids may need to be administered subcutaneously (under your bunnies’ skin). Antibiotics may also be prescribed if there is an underlying infection.

How is Sludgy Urine Different from Bladder Stones in Rabbits?

Sludgy urine and bladder stones can be confused with one another because they can have similar symptoms, such as straining to urinate and frequent urination. However, the underlying causes and treatment options for each condition are different.

Bladder stones in rabbits are typically caused by the formation of calcium crystals in the urinary tract, which can lead to the development of hard, mineralized stones.

Treatment for bladder stones in rabbits involves surgical removal and reduced calcium levels in the diet.

Dietary changes alone are not typically sufficient to treat bladder stones in rabbits. In contrast, Sludgy urine in rabbits is often caused by an excess of calcium in the diet, and can often be treated with dietary modifications, oral medication, and hydration alone.

However, it is important to have your veterinarians at Priest Lake Veterinary Hospital diagnose the condition and rule out the presence of bladder stones.

In conclusion, Sludgy urine in rabbits can be a serious problem that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. By working closely with a veterinarian and making dietary modifications, it is possible to successfully manage this condition and improve the health and wellbeing of rabbits.